Many of the interventions in scope in the districts are being questioned in court and, therefore, projects and works have been suspended. 9 of the Public Civil Action of the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of Minas Gerais. Judicialization of the program for Priority Axis No.Land release by the municipal government of Tumiritinga/MG in the area of Praia do Jao beach to implement the works of the Program in the district.Supplied 23,548 m³ of water to the population of Resplendor/MG through the operation of wells C01 and C02 as the definitive solution for alternative water withdrawal in the municipality.Completion of the basic project for the new water treatment plant in Baixo Guandu/ES.Completion of the basic project for the new water treatment plant and main water withdrawal in Senhora da Penha, district of Fernandes Tourinho/MG.
Kickoff of the works to recover the paving of the North access road in Resplendor/MG.Resumption of the works for relocation of the transmission line of the Corrente Grande River pipeline in Governador Valadares/MG.Commencement of paving works for the pipeline ditch that connects the well to the local water treatment plant Resumption of the construction works for alternative water withdrawal in Pedra Corrida, Periquito/MG district.